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Goal Setting | The Power of Goal Setting

english goal setting key pillar umv Nov 29, 2024
A GOAL that is NOT WRITTEN, is simply a WISH

What is it that you genuinely desire to do in life? What things fill your heart with joy and leave you wishing for more time? What is the one thing you could do without expecting any compensation?

Identifying a clear “why” for your aspirations and developing a step-by-step system to manage and optimize the 24 hours we have each day is crucial. It’s too easy to get caught up in the chaos of life, constantly responding to problems & undesired situations rather than designing our days and taking 100% responsibility for our actions.

Many need to pay more attention to the power of writing down their goals instead of considering them a waste of time. However, having a well-defined, written action plan outlining what you wish to achieve, why it matters to you, and how you intend to accomplish it becomes your ultimate advantage. Though it might seem boring, this simple practice is crucial in shaping your future. 

“Where attention goes, energy flows.”

Goal setting is a powerful practice that allows us to fully define our aspirations, create our roadmap for success, and push ourselves toward personal and professional achievements. It is vital to understand the importance of writing our goals down, the benefits of setting low, mid, and long term, and the essence of having a clear vision of what we want to achieve and, ultimately, how to get there…

As we discussed earlier, writing down your goals is a crucial and probably one of the most essential steps in this “self-empowerment” journey. It helps us bring our dreams & desires out of our brains and directly onto paper, which always makes them feel even more tangible and specific. Writing down our goals, we clarify and specify our intentions, enhancing our commitment and, primarily, our FOCUS. It also serves as a reminder and reference point, helping us stay on track and measure progress.

- SHORT-TERM: Setting specific and achievable goals that will help create a sense of direction and motivation. Because of this, we can experience regular wins and maintain momentum. They provide us with a sense of immediate accomplishment that keeps us engaged and energized.

- MID-TERM: These help us grow, develop & progress. Setting goals that extend our abilities and require effort pushes us beyond our comfort zone. This promotes learning, skill addition & personal growth. Mid-term goals act as stepping stones towards our long-term vision, providing a sense of progression.

- LONG-TERM: These give us a sense of greater purpose and direction, guiding our actions and decisions and helping us stay FOCUSED, MOTIVATED, & STRONG when facing challenges. It helps us visualize a larger perspective of what we want to achieve and the bigger picture, inspiring us to pursue our dreams.

When having a clear vision of what we want to achieve, we have automatically unlocked our success roadmap. Whether you are setting shorter or longer terms, having clear goals is a MUST. It encourages focus and determination. It helps us to stay on course, even when we feel like giving up. We always make choices and prioritize our efforts in alignment with our long-term intentions. Therefore we must take “clarity” as our guidance, keeping us motivated and inspired even through the most challenging times.

Set clear goals, write them down, and embrace the transformative power of designing your journey to success. 

Michi C. Brink


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